
About eparagony.pl: first and largest e-receipts HUB in Poland.


We allow businesses to issue receipts... without paper.
In any circumstances.

At eparagony.pl, we are guided by the idea of ​​maximum accessibility. We want every entrepreneur in Poland to be able to issue electronic receipts in all kinds of business circumstances: in e-commerce, stationary and occasional sales, during fairs and events, in self-service stores… etc.

To make it happen, we constantly expand the portfolio of available integrations for various sales, ERP and accounting systems. At the same time, we regularly improve and simplify the technical implementation of e-receipts for different sales points. One of the shortest implementation process took less than an hour!

eparagony.pl in numbers:

Over 1000 businesses using the service
More than 20 available integrations
Wizualizacja e paragonu w wersji mobile dla YES – eparagony.pl
A few million e-receipts issued every month
95% of customer integrations take less than 1 business day

Our e-receipt services.

For e-commerce

For brick-and-mortar

Electronic receipts in Poland. Quick story & our role

We have been involved in the popularization of digital receipts in Poland from the very beginning, i.e. since 2017. That was the moment when the first public consultations between the legislator and the market (represented by, among others, the founders of eparagony.pl) took place. With one goal: creating legal framework for electronic receipts in Poland. The discussions last for over 3 years.

As a result, in March 2020 the update to the Act on Tax on Goods and Services legally equalized the electronic receipt with the paper one. In the following months, further necessary regulations appeared. At the same time, the first online fiscal devices were receiving homologations to handle digital receipts.

A breakthrough moment took place in May 2022: via eparagony.pl HUB we managed to issue the very first full-fledged electronic receipt in Polish trade.

Electronic receipts protect the environment.

Digital receipts not only make sense and make entrepreneurs’ life easier.

E-receipts are also a great example of how the technology can help protect natural resources, such as forests or water, along with people (skin contact with paper receipts is toxic!).

E-receipts allow your business to:
E-paragony zmniejszają ślad węglowy – eparagony.pl

Reduce carbon footprint

Every paper receipt emits around 2,5g CO2 in its lifecycle – this amounts to over 3 300 tons of CO2 emitted yearly in Poland. Electronic receipts can eliminate this carbon footprint.

Paragony elektroniczne to ochrona zasobów naturalnych – eparagony.pl

Save the environment

Production of thermal paper requires cutting down 800 000 m2 of forest area and consumes 31 million liters of water every year. In addition, thermal paper used in receipt printers is recyclable.

Paragony elektroniczne chronią zdrowie pracowników – papierowe paragony mają toksyczne Bisfenole BPA BPS – eparagony.pl

Protect employee health

88% of the presence of harmful Bisphenols (BPA, BPS) in human organisms is caused by contact with printed receipts. These substances increase the incidence of cancer and infertility.

trees already planted!
Environmental care has been in our hearts from the very beginning.
To strengthen our ecological mission we regularly plant trees for issued e-receipts.
Program partnerski – HUB eparagony.pl. Zostań naszym partnerem i czerp korzyści
> 1000 satisfied Customers & Partners

Our Customers

Our Partners

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* Pola wymagane

Poznaj zespół eparagony.pl

Coś w stylu, że jesteśmy zgraną ekipą profesjonalistów w swoich dziedzinach, w zespole ludzie zajmuja sie tym i tamtym dzieki temu i tamtemu osiągamy takie a nie inne wyniki czy cele, ze działamy w dobrym eko celu bla bla. Nie mam pomysłu na tekst 😛 Potrzebuję tekst coś w ten styl. Jakaś pozytywna gadka. Jak tekst będzie dłuższy niż wysokosc zdjecia to będę musial zmniejszyć szerokosc/wielkosc zdjęcia, zeby wyglądało dobrze.


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